![EUR Price](/assets/icons/price_eur.png)
24h change
-0.19 %
Change in one week
0.25 %
14-day change
2.92 %
Change in one month
5.2 %
200-day change
2.13 %
Change in one year
-9.67 %
All Time High
€0.237 (-29%)
All Time Low
€0.142 (+18%)
Details about Celo Real (cREAL) cryptocurrency
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Crypto Details
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Celo Real (cREAL) price movements
14 days
30 days
200 days
1 year
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CREAL exchanges
You can buy Celo Real (cREAL) from the exchanges below.
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1) Ubeswap
Compare CREAL and BTC performance
Timeframe | CREAL | BTC |
1h change | 0.152118 % | 0.0795514 % |
24h change | -0.19 % | -0.363292 % |
7 day change | 0.25 % | -2.95683 % |
14 day change | 2.92 % | -4.72154 % |
30 day change | 5.2 % | 1.50243 % |
200 day change | 2.13 % | 50.881 % |
Year change | -9.67 % | 109.616 % |
Similar cryptos by price
Symbol | Price | 7d change |
TST | €0.179059 | 0% |
PNUT | €0.148433 | -19.1633% |
ACT | €0.17684 | -21.9029% |
GRT | €0.14219 | 9.93783% |
GRIFFAIN | €0.16263 | -31.4203% |
BIO | €0.140803 | 3.55316% |
CGPT | €0.147226 | -7.44614% |
BB | €0.179318 | -0.416813% |
AEVO | €0.158359 | -3.48811% |
W | €0.170534 | -5.20732% |
Similar cryptos by 24h trading volume
Symbol | Price | Volume |
WING | €0.00438758 | €586136 |
MEMEAI | €1.84 | €569585 |
DBIX | €0.449053 | €595747 |
BIFI-3 | €0.0111927 | €567512 |
BIZA | €0.00297575 | €616274 |
TCAPY | €0.00154529 | €493165 |
$KOKU | €0.00889683 | €640342 |
BNKR | €0.00017656 | €539101 |
COOL | €0.00304729 | €674905 |
CRETA | €0.0120003 | €501825 |
Cryptos with similar potential as CREAL
Please note that the maximum altcoin potential is based on just math and is not a valuation of any kind. It just shows how much can the crypto price grow until it needs to become more popular than bitcoin.Symbol | Price | Max potential |
AIVA | €0.00243042 | 3235790x |
PEW | €0.000000553035 | 3401050x |
CROS | €0.00461468 | 3415440x |
FURY | €0.052947 | 3575870x |
MVRS | €0.0004942 | 3762690x |
WAT | €0.00000119 | 3714090x |
CALICO | €0.00048715 | 3977860x |
CYBRO | €0.0107848 | 3901950x |
POCHITA | €0.00045236 | 4110520x |
VNST | €0.00003728 | 4535930x |
How big was Celo Real (cREAL) trading volume within the last 24h?
Celo Real (cREAL) (CREAL) last recorded volume was € 599971.
How much has Celo Real (cREAL) price changed during one year?
CREAL price has changed during the last year -9.67 %.
Is CREAL coin close to its All Time High price?
CREAL all time high price (ath) is €0.237. Its current price is €0.166993. This means that the difference between Celo Real (cREAL) (CREAL) All Time High price and CREAL current price is -29%.
Where can you buy Celo Real (cREAL)?
Celo Real (cREAL) is currently listed on at least these crypto exchanges: Ubeswap and possibly some others.