What are crypto exchange fees?
Cryptocurrency exchange charges you fees for pretty much everything.
There are fees for deposits, fees for withdrawals, and fees for trading.
Exchange fees are how the exchanges earn money.
Why is it important to know how much fees you have paid
If you're a frequent trader, all these fees add up, and you might be interested how much you have actually paid in fees to the exchange.
Knowing the total amount of fees you have paid tells you what you have paid for the most (deposits, withdrawals, or trading), and you can use this information to decide to move to another exchange, for example.
If you make one trade then 1% trading fee might be okay. But if you make hundreds or thousands of trades a month, the fees add up, and without you even noticing you may realise you have paid enormous amounts just for crypto trading fees.
Same thing can be true also in case of deposit and withdrawal fees.
By the end of the day, knowing the amount of fees you have paid to the exchange might help you reevaluate your trading or the cryptocurrency exchange you're trading in.
How to find all the fees you have paid
In order to find out how much you have paid in fees and which fees have cost you the most (trading or deposit/withdrawal) you normally need to go to your profile page and find some sort of History tab.
In there you can generally generate different historic lists of your transactions where you can also see your fees.
What's the actual process of finding all the fees you have paid in the crypto exchange depends on the specific exchange, but normally you should be able to find it under History tab.
However, there are some exchanges were it is pretty much impossible to see all the fees you have paid, or they only list individual fees for each transaction but no total.
It's good to have an overview of your crypto exchange account. Overview of your cryptos, overview of how much you have gained or lost so far, and also how much you have paid in fees to the cryptocurrency exchange.