Top 10 filesharing cryptocurrencies
What are filesharing cryptos? Find the top 10 filesharing cryptocurrencies based on their market cap below.
All cryptos related to filesharing
Here's the full list of cryptocurrencies related to filesharing in Cryptolorium database. Please note that we are constantly adding new category tags to the cryptos in our databases and whenever you see a crypto related to filesharing, but not marked as such, we welcome you to make the suggestion (you can find the button on each individual coin page).
What are filesharing cryptocurrencies?
There are many different types of cryptos related to filesharing. One good example are tokens that are used to reward users for hosting storage space on their own computers. Think torrents. But there can be also different types of cryptos related to filesharing.
What are the best known filesharing cryptos?
Right now one of the best known filesharing cryptos is Filecoin (FIL), a peer-to-peer storage network. And when we are talking about filesharing, we definitely need to mention Bittorrent (BTTC) as well, a decentralized peer-to-peer file sharing and torrent platform.
Where can you buy these cryptocurrencies?
You can buy cryptos related to filesharing in all popular cryptocurrency exchanges. But just to mention a few of them: