Crypto exchanges with most coins

Choose crypto exchange with lots of coins to discover hidden, still unpopular, gems.
Each crypto exchange lists cryptocurrencies based on their own rules. But which are the crypto exchanges with the biggest altcoin selection?
Find the biggest altcoin selection in these exchanges
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Crypto exchanges with biggest altcoin selection

Crypto exchanges with most coins 2025

Which are the crypto exchanges with the best altcoin selection? Let’s take a look!

Number of cryptocurrencies

600+ is a very popular exchange with huge crypto selection. You can buy and sell more than 1000 cryptos there. base trading fee is very reasonable at 0.2%.

Mexc Global

Mexc Global is a slightly less known exchange with a big altcoin selection. Mexc Global is no-KYC exchange with reasonable fees.


Binance has more than 600 different cryptocurrencies. They add roughly 1 new cryptocurrency very month.

Important things to consider when choosing a crypto exchange

The bigger the crypto selection is, the less likely it is that the exchange has done a lot of background search about it.

So while buying less known cryptos can be very lucrative at times, they are also a lot more risky. So as always – only trade with money you can afford to lose!

Why choose the crypto exchange with most coins?

If you want to give yourself the best chance of making a lot of money, finding the hidden gems before anyone else does can help a lot. That’s when the exchanges with the best altcoin selection come handy.

When Bitcoin price can go up 2x short-term, some altcoins have shown 100 000% gains during a year.

Finding those altcoins is not easy. But an exchange with a lot of cryptos can definitely help here.

Are crypto exchanges with huge coin selection safe?

Having a big altcoin selection doesn’t make any crypto exchange less safe.

However, it might mean that it is easier to get a coin listed there, and a such, the average risk level of each listed coin might be higher.

That’s something you should always keep in mind.


Crypto exchanges with the biggest coin selection give you more options to find the next crypto gem.

However, not all cryptos are trustworthy, and as such we recommend you to always research each less known coin you come across.

I myself love exchanges with good altcoin selection. But this also means that I spend hours going through their homepages, and their Reddit and Twitter pages, just get a better sense of them, and make up my mind whether I feel they have potential and how risky I feel the coin is.