
24h change
0.83 %
Change in one week
10.13 %
14-day change
-3.69 %
Change in one month
-42.71 %
200-day change
0 %
Change in one year
0 %
All Time High
€0.332 (-51%)
All Time Low
€0.00984 (+1554%)
Details about DeepBook cryptocurrency
Additional resources
Crypto Details
Additional resources
Market cap
€406,891,441 ( 0.83443%)
€406,891,441 ( 0.83443%)
Total supply
Circulating supply
DeepBook price movements
14 days
30 days
200 days
1 year
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DEEP exchanges
You can buy DeepBook from the exchanges below.
Compare DEEP and BTC performance
Timeframe | DEEP | BTC |
1h change | 0.128402 % | -0.122591 % |
24h change | 0.83 % | 0.379101 % |
7 day change | 10.13 % | -0.973404 % |
14 day change | -3.69 % | -1.85459 % |
30 day change | -42.71 % | -6.85526 % |
200 day change | 0 % | 79.2752 % |
Year change | 0 % | 94.6161 % |
Similar cryptos by price
Symbol | Price | 7d change |
BAN | €0.147353 | 116.116% |
BIO | €0.131521 | -0.0585954% |
BLUR | €0.140688 | 6.59134% |
BB | €0.165681 | 0.199661% |
GRT | €0.131299 | -0.502665% |
AEVO | €0.158025 | 2.31734% |
CGPT | €0.136974 | 4.96351% |
W | €0.159537 | -5.28305% |
PLUME | €0.142444 | 0.386179% |
MAJOR | €0.175177 | -0.237746% |
Similar cryptos by 24h trading volume
Symbol | Price | Volume |
SKY | €0.063128 | €21995900 |
TNSR | €0.468504 | €18529000 |
CAR | €0.0209061 | €17310200 |
DATA | €0.1446 | €18208800 |
TKX | €36.34 | €20433800 |
OI | €127346000 | €23211800 |
CVX | €2.62 | €22346200 |
PRCL | €0.158085 | €22153700 |
ASTR | €0.0426861 | €21005800 |
F | €0.0317972 | €17598600 |
Cryptos with similar potential as DEEP
Please note that the maximum altcoin potential is based on just math and is not a valuation of any kind. It just shows how much can the crypto price grow until it needs to become more popular than bitcoin.Symbol | Price | Max potential |
CORE | €0.505295 | 3642x |
BEAM | €0.00924442 | 3762x |
BRETT | €0.0485913 | 3805x |
COMP-2 | €53.49 | 3853x |
TUSD | €0.954554 | 3865x |
CHZ | €0.050359 | 3861x |
HONEY | €0.956815 | 3869x |
RSR | €0.00839553 | 3931x |
EIGEN | €1.88 | 3977x |
W | €0.159537 | 3994x |
How big was DeepBook trading volume within the last 24h?
DeepBook (DEEP) last recorded volume was € 20881100.
How much has DeepBook price changed during one year?
DEEP price has changed during the last year 0 %.
Is DEEP coin close to its All Time High price?
DEEP all time high price (ath) is €0.332. Its current price is €0.162687. This means that the difference between DeepBook (DEEP) All Time High price and DEEP current price is -51%.
What is the maximum price DeepBook (DEEP) could VERY theoretically reach?
DEEP has a current circulating supply of 2,500,000,000. Based on our calculation DEEP could reach up to €732.866 before it would have to overtake Bitcoin. So in theory the potential for growth is 4505x its current value (€0.162687). However, keep in mind that the coin's actual potential is based on the value it provides to the user. So this is just a logical maximum potential price calculation for DeepBook and in no way is it a prediction of any kind, far from it.
Where can you buy DeepBook?
DeepBook is currently listed on at least these crypto exchanges: Bybit, KuCoin, Cetus, Gate.io, MEXC and possibly some others.