![EUR Price](/assets/icons/price_eur.png)
24h change
2.06 %
Change in one week
16.3 %
14-day change
-15.99 %
Change in one month
-29.78 %
200-day change
0 %
Change in one year
0 %
All Time High
€0.00000977 (-97%)
All Time Low
€0.000000218 (+19%)
Details about GoldenCat cryptocurrency
Additional resources
Crypto Details
Additional resources
Market cap
€179,143 ( 1.70865%)
€179,143 ( 1.70865%)
Total supply
Circulating supply
GoldenCat price movements
14 days
30 days
200 days
1 year
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CATS exchanges
You can buy GoldenCat from the exchanges below.
PancakeSwap (v2)
Hover to see full list
1) PancakeSwap (v2)
Compare CATS and BTC performance
Timeframe | CATS | BTC |
1h change | 0.910168 % | 0.0183406 % |
24h change | 2.06 % | 0.941823 % |
7 day change | 16.3 % | 0.307107 % |
14 day change | -15.99 % | -5.54839 % |
30 day change | -29.78 % | -3.32829 % |
200 day change | 0 % | 52.5085 % |
Year change | 0 % | 92.5738 % |
Similar cryptos by price
Symbol | Price | 7d change |
ANDY | €0.000000214443 | 31.1383% |
VOLT | €0.000000258017 | 1.78573% |
TITANX | €0.000000311597 | -16.2171% |
WUF | €0.000000275111 | -3.72062% |
HOLY | €0.000000310392 | 0% |
RGOAT | €0.000000232035 | 8.27816% |
$NPI | €0.000000234376 | 20.7427% |
GALAXY | €0.000000238499 | 0% |
WEB | €0.000000296104 | 18.9055% |
CLIPS | €0.000000264795 | -3.88588% |
Similar cryptos by 24h trading volume
Symbol | Price | Volume |
IGT | €0.3091 | €39830 |
OGX | €0.0420902 | €32450 |
JUP | €0.00072195 | €38568 |
SP | €69.34 | €31316 |
YFMB | €11.47 | €41880 |
STICK | €0.00025076 | €41659 |
MTARD | €0.00043096 | €29655 |
CATE | €0.000000100616 | €36787 |
ASCAKE | €2.33 | €28538 |
GINUX | €0.000000281058 | €40710 |
Cryptos with similar potential as CATS
Please note that the maximum altcoin potential is based on just math and is not a valuation of any kind. It just shows how much can the crypto price grow until it needs to become more popular than bitcoin.Symbol | Price | Max potential |
MIT | €0.00943942 | 8476690x |
KLP | €0.00094998 | 9227460x |
AKITA | €0.00095127 | 8241810x |
BEEG | €0.00002232 | 8267210x |
O3 | €0.00623216 | 8287700x |
STICK | €0.00025076 | 8262800x |
MBET | €0.00022253 | 8282400x |
MOON | €0.00021934 | 8463210x |
WJUV | €1.64 | 8469580x |
EUSD | €0.937854 | 8313680x |
How big was GoldenCat trading volume within the last 24h?
GoldenCat (CATS) last recorded volume was € 35035.
How much has GoldenCat price changed during one year?
CATS price has changed during the last year 0 %.
Is CATS coin close to its All Time High price?
CATS all time high price (ath) is €0.00000977. Its current price is €0.000000260274. This means that the difference between GoldenCat (CATS) All Time High price and CATS current price is -97%.
What is the maximum price GoldenCat (CATS) could VERY theoretically reach?
CATS has a current circulating supply of 690,690,000,000. Based on our calculation CATS could reach up to €2.66655 before it would have to overtake Bitcoin. So in theory the potential for growth is 10245200x its current value (€0.000000260274). However, keep in mind that the coin's actual potential is based on the value it provides to the user. So this is just a logical maximum potential price calculation for GoldenCat and in no way is it a prediction of any kind, far from it.
Where can you buy GoldenCat?
GoldenCat is currently listed on at least these crypto exchanges: PancakeSwap (v2) and possibly some others.