
24h change
3.39 %
Change in one week
-4.14 %
14-day change
15.8 %
Change in one month
-7.29 %
200-day change
-83.32 %
Change in one year
0 %
All Time High
€0.00000650 (-97%)
All Time Low
€0.000000161 (+39%)
Details about Non-Playable Inu cryptocurrency
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Crypto Details
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Total supply
Non-Playable Inu price movements
14 days
30 days
200 days
1 year
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$NPI exchanges
You can buy Non-Playable Inu from the exchanges below.
Matcha (Ethereum)
Uniswap V2 (Ethereum)
Hover to see full list
1) Matcha (Ethereum)
2) Uniswap V2 (Ethereum)
Compare $NPI and BTC performance
Timeframe | $NPI | BTC |
1h change | 0.0463148 % | 0.186581 % |
24h change | 3.39 % | -2.17559 % |
7 day change | -4.14 % | -0.535604 % |
14 day change | 15.8 % | -0.496211 % |
30 day change | -7.29 % | -5.59048 % |
200 day change | -83.32 % | 82.7828 % |
Year change | 0 % | 94.544 % |
Similar cryptos by price
Symbol | Price | 7d change |
ELON | €0.000000181574 | -7.96379% |
TITANX | €0.000000245189 | -21.2698% |
FROPPY | €0.000000215088 | -47.6191% |
TROPPY | €0.000000186922 | 71.6344% |
WUF | €0.000000259352 | -6.20249% |
VOLT | €0.000000256608 | -1.08819% |
GALAXY | €0.000000238499 | 0% |
CTF | €0.00000022967 | -50.2982% |
PATTON | €0.000000266006 | 16.4229% |
BFLOKI | €0.000000233843 | -53.9925% |
Similar cryptos by 24h trading volume
Symbol | Price | Volume |
ZENQ | €0.00323534 | €79423 |
CATX | €0.00000171 | €68469 |
SHIBT | €0.00281874 | €82921 |
DOGO | €0.00000075971 | €66970 |
GEC | €0.081804 | €83664 |
TKC | €0.00467094 | €89573 |
VIRGO | €0.00291374 | €63759 |
MSQ | €12.49 | €63155 |
TITAN | €0.055692 | €89823 |
PAL | €0.202162 | €78364 |
Cryptos with similar potential as $NPI
Please note that the maximum altcoin potential is based on just math and is not a valuation of any kind. It just shows how much can the crypto price grow until it needs to become more popular than bitcoin.Symbol | Price | Max potential |
JEM | €2.09 | 19805800x |
BSDS | €0.085728 | 21935800x |
LING | €0.00000971 | 17698400x |
MONI | €0.0031433 | 15670900x |
BULL | €0.00001163 | 15616400x |
BENJI | €0.00007025 | 15735600x |
MEME | €0.00010643 | 17117500x |
AEON | €0.0001021 | 17941200x |
BISO | €0.00049033 | 17769900x |
SINK | €0.00012706 | 18045600x |
How big was Non-Playable Inu trading volume within the last 24h?
Non-Playable Inu ($NPI) last recorded volume was € 76629.
How much has Non-Playable Inu price changed during one year?
$NPI price has changed during the last year 0 %.
Is $NPI coin close to its All Time High price?
$NPI all time high price (ath) is €0.00000650. Its current price is €0.000000224786. This means that the difference between Non-Playable Inu ($NPI) All Time High price and $NPI current price is -97%.
Where can you buy Non-Playable Inu?
Non-Playable Inu is currently listed on at least these crypto exchanges: Uniswap V2 (Ethereum), Matcha (Ethereum) and possibly some others.