24h change
0 %
Change in one week
16.83 %
14-day change
-0.37 %
Change in one month
-11.33 %
200-day change
-33.76 %
Change in one year
13.32 %
All Time High
€0.000598 (-67%)
All Time Low
€0.0000639 (+211%)
Details about Viterium cryptocurrency
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Viterium price movements
14 days
30 days
200 days
1 year
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VT exchanges
You can buy Viterium from the exchanges below.
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1) ViteX
Compare VT and BTC performance
Timeframe | VT | BTC |
1h change | 0 % | -0.118933 % |
24h change | 0 % | -2.96319 % |
7 day change | 16.83 % | -4.2646 % |
14 day change | -0.37 % | -5.79493 % |
30 day change | -11.33 % | 1.75974 % |
200 day change | -33.76 % | 61.1642 % |
Year change | 13.32 % | 141.174 % |
Similar cryptos by price
Symbol | Price | 7d change |
DOGS | €0.0002085 | -34.6284% |
SOON | €0.00021973 | 0% |
AKUMA | €0.00020287 | -59.7976% |
FARTCOIN | €0.0001792 | -56.7083% |
LION | €0.00017316 | 0% |
KANDO | €0.00023079 | -6.52251% |
DG | €0.00018071 | -27.0283% |
WOLF | €0.00021411 | -37.5746% |
BERRY | €0.0002187 | -8.24809% |
$KEKEC | €0.00015953 | -16.7947% |
Similar cryptos by 24h trading volume
Symbol | Price | Volume |
REAP | €0.00021886 | €6.97 |
XWP | €0.00505893 | €7.07 |
SAT | €0.00140283 | €5.96 |
CNW | €0.00012245 | €5.83 |
BECOIN | €0.00545083 | €8.11 |
ZWALL | €0.077099 | €7.84 |
PUFFS | €0.00016683 | €6.89 |
MAGA | €0.00011424 | €6.26 |
TSK | €0.00177048 | €7.99 |
WXFI | €0.709366 | €7.8 |
Cryptos with similar potential as VT
Please note that the maximum altcoin potential is based on just math and is not a valuation of any kind. It just shows how much can the crypto price grow until it needs to become more popular than bitcoin.Symbol | Price | Max potential |
ICH | €0.0022835 | 10274200x |
SCEX | €6098.17 | 10870300x |
GOFI | €0.662413 | 8514730x |
DSD-2 | €0.000000032503 | 7849450x |
BCT | €0.00056562 | 8696940x |
HULK | €0.000000010135 | 8955230x |
SOLD | €0.00127492 | 9727660x |
DCU | €0.00004726 | 8821790x |
COLL | €0.00945358 | 8428690x |
KOROMARU | €0.000000000001487 | 7681170x |
How big was Viterium trading volume within the last 24h?
Viterium (VT) last recorded volume was € 7.11.
How much has Viterium price changed during one year?
VT price has changed during the last year 13.32 %.
Is VT coin close to its All Time High price?
VT all time high price (ath) is €0.000598. Its current price is €0.00019863. This means that the difference between Viterium (VT) All Time High price and VT current price is -67%.